sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

LoL Guide - Le Blanc, the Deceiver

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This is a translation of my LeBlanc guide so I can send it to PC Gamer in hopes of them liking what I write... and also some changes to the Runes I use with LB. Let's get started ---> LeBlanc is my main champion atm. I can firmly say I have yet to see a better LeBlanc than mine, and btw, I don't think I will =P My best scores are always around 25/4/10. This guide is focused mainly on midding, no side laning D=

Skill Build


Having Q and R as my priority, I later on max E and W... E with a little more importance since it is the one I will NOT miss. W I will prolly not land it early game, I just use it to get close and nuke my enemy.

Item Build

1. Doran's Ring.

2. Another Doran's and Sorcerer's Boots.

3. If I have been doing very very well on my lane, I go for Mejai's and then Rabaddon's Deathcap.

*If I have been playing like shit and screwing up, I go for Abyssal Scepter, Void Staff, and then Rabaddon's Deathcap.

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4. Stack Rabaddon's, and you're set to pwn.


Runes are bought at the League of Legends store(this is INGAME, noobs) with gold or IP you win by playing games, no matter if you win or lose.

Glyph(blue runes): Cooldown Reduction + -0.65% per Runa, meaning + -5.85% CDR.
Seal(yellow runes): +0.1 Ability Power per level(+1.8 ability power at champion level 18), meaning AP +17 at champion lvl 18.
Mark(red runes): +0.95 Magic Penetration, meaning +8.5 Magic Penetration.
Quintessence(purple runes): +4.95 Ability Power x2, meaning +15 Ability Power and x1 +1.89 Magic Penetration.

Mark + Quintessence = +10 Magic Penetration

*My runes are tier 3 by now


Masteries are skill points you gain by lvling up your account. There are many skills to max, but I go for 9/0/21, 9 offense and 21 utility.

Summoner Skills

Also gained by lvling up your account, for LeBlanc I use Flash and Clarity. Flash... cus well, Flash is op xD and Clarity so I have a lot of staying power on my lane.

InGame Tips:

MAGIC PENETRATION. Get some MP, and you're good to pwn. You have to understand that her silence is done this way = Q - W... but to begin, I tend to ignore that, and use W - Q so I can get close to my enemy and nuke the shit out of them early game, even if I don't get to silence them. It is also very important to learn the amount of damage you will do to your enemy, to ensure the kill, you don't want fucking Teemo to run off with 10hp, which is why you want to use W+Q, so you can nuke the for a bit, until you are certain you can kill them, and dive.

A good tip to help your teammates escape(since LeBlanc is pretty useless that way) you can target E, then use R to E them again, that way, they are disables and can't get close to your teammates =D And if that still doesn't help your teammate, then run away and leave them to fucking die for being noobs.

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