miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Sexual Harassment in Videogames

This article was brought to my attention by my friend Nobile. It addresses sexual harassment in the gaming world, specifically about this girl during a Capcom event(idkwtf) and you can read it here ---> LINK

If you are familiar with some of my posts, you are aware that I talk about how men treat me online and my experience as a female gamer, and even though it is not always a pleasant experience, I have never referred to it as ''sexual harassment''. If you people know an online gaming community and are part of one, you know how men treat each other, and let me tell you, latin men are much more offensive with each other than 'gringos'. This girl got mad cus some dude asked her what her bra size is, and she got all butt hurt about it. If someone asks me that, I answer 1 of 2 things, depending on my mood:

1. I answer with the truth, and move on to another subject.
2. SAME AS YOURS, TRANNY.(sorry if I offend anyone, it's the internet, pussies)

If guys insult each other, why the fuck would a girl expect a different experience? I for sure do not. They treat me the same as they treat anyone else, just that the jokes are of a different nature, however, it is NOT sexual harassment. Then this girl goes on about how women don't play because guys are dicks.... WOMEN DON'T PLAY CUS THEY DON'T WANT TO, and guys are dicks all the time, everywhere, what's new about that? She needs to go play Maple Story and stfu. Don't get me wrong, at first, it is kind of weird and you do feel offended, but then as you meet more people and play more, you understand that is just the way the gaming world works.

It is so fucking stupid that women always talk about how they want to be equals, and how they play competitively.... but they still want to be treated differently BECAUSE they are female. That is fucking dumb, and it just means you have never played online or left your house... and if you do, no one pays attention. Unless you are being constantly bothered by the same person, it is not sexual harassment, and people saying that the gaming world doesn't work like that, you must be playing Farmville.

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